
Sunday 23 April 2017




ABC/Dark Mofo: Thousands sign petition against art show with freshly slaughtered animal
• MERCURY/Art aims to challenge as much as inspire, says TICT chief Luke Martin in defence of controversial Dark Mofo artist Hermann Nitsch
THE ART NEWSPAPER: Storm erupts over Nitsch’s bull slaughter at Tasmanian museum
Campaigners demand axing of performance by Actionist at MONA's Dark Mofo festival

Storm erupts over Nitsch’s bull slaughter at Tasmanian museum Campaigners demand axing of performance by Actionist at MONA's Dark Mofo festival  hear the second shot, you must stop throwing tomatoes

BloodBlood globally represents life itself, as the element of divine life that functions within the human body. ... Blood and WINE are interchangeable symbols; in Chinese symbolism,blood and WATER are associated as complementaries, as THE YIN AND THE YANG.

Then there is the man's work!



DEBAUCHERY [arabic: seduction from virtue or duty]

There are indeed events that might send 'debauched shivers' down the spines of some vegans that involve vegetables. Debauchery is subjective assessed and culturally defined. The FOODfestival in Spain that might well raise the ire of righteous vegans given its wantonness, its excesses and its apparent disregard for the ‘festive food’.  Semioticly, and erotically,  the food is ambiguous but the revelry is very real.

The festival is in Spain and there is this 'food fight festival' (La Tomatina) held on the last Wednesday of August each year in the town of Bunol near to Valencia in Spain. Thousands upon thousands of people make their way from all corners of the world to fight in this 'World's Biggest Food Fight' where more than one hundred metric tons of over-ripe tomatoes are thrown in the streets. 

Prior to 2013 anywhere from 40,000 to 50,000 (reported to be 50,000 in 2012) people crammed into this huge tomato fight, greatly expanding Bunol's normal 9,000 person population. Since 2013 official ticketing has been in place limiting the number of participants to just 20,000 lucky people. 

There is limited accommodation for people who come to fight with tomatoes, so many people take the easier option of staying in nearby Valencia just 38km to Bunol by bus or train. In preparation for the dirty mess that will ensue, shopkeepers use huge plastic covers on their storefronts in order to protect them from the carnage.

An almost unintended consequence of the 'excess' is that the streets become cleansed via the tomatoes' acidity  and the water used to wash them away. 

The Rules of La Tomatina 
 Do not bring bottles or hard objects as they can cause accidents and hurt other participants 
 Do not rip other people's T-shirts You must squash the tomatoes before throwing them as this reduces the impact 
 Ensure you keep a safe distance from the lorries As soon as you


FACEbook Conversation in the PUBLICdomain 

RN:  When the ARTScouncil will not send you ‘theatre’ you always have VERANDAHtheatre of the MIDLANDSvariety when you want something tough and cutting edge … Who told Walshey?? ... MM, DW AD FR et a,l

REPLY DL:  ·Friends with JW & DW
This is not art!

RN TO LD:  To what do you refer?? Mr Nitsch's work in general? His proposed performance? My post on FACEbook? This kind of cultural production? AND whichever/whatever by what criteria? I am quite interested in all this.

LD TO RN : His proposed work.

RN TO LD:  On what ground and by what criteria? AND does it matter and to whom??

RN TO LD:  There's a question hanging here and that's what EXACTLY will Mr. Nitsch's 'performance' for DARK MOFO entail and where is it articulated in order that it might be critiqued? Myself I've not seen anything like that but I might not have been looking in the right places.

LD TO RN · Slaughtering a cow & people writhing about in all it's blood! It's disgusting.

RN TO PB: Putting to one side the matter of 'the performance' being "art" or not, have you considered that the event has been designed to be confronting and to challenge its audience's sensitivities and sensibilities in a 'cultural context'. If you are confronted, and the event hasn't yet taken place, hasn't it already got a inbuilt 'success factor'? Nonetheless, I've not yet seen anywhere a 'score/program' for what is intended exactly, have you? Another question, how much more, or less, "disgusting" is La Tomatina in Spain albeit that people travel long distances to "writhe" in tomatoes? ... SEE IMAGES ON BLOG ABOVE

The Marketing Continues Apace