
Tuesday 21 May 2019

VISUAL LANGUAGE: Tasmanian Installation Outside A Musingplace

These two images depend upon their layers of 'visual language' that speaks loudly about 'place' and other things – even if the language is ambiguous

On the ground at 360º there are layer upon layer that in the end is a kind of essay that talks about multiple things. However, these two 'views' carry subliminal messages relative to two kindred places – indeed spaces within places.

Perhaps they are 'visual poetry' for those across the language with all its inbuilt ambiguity and innuendo.

It is said by some that "visual language" is just so much "opaque academic rubbish" but if that were true there would be no advertising industry, no businesses like McDonald's and road signage as we know it couldn't exist. 

Likewise, roadways would be chaotic without the visual language that tells you to do this or that, go here or there, follow this not that, that this is hot and this is cold, etc.

EXHIBIT #1: A Director's Car Space

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